Promotional items are one way of saving money, translating into earning money in the long term.
Stay up to date with sales, promos and discounts in your city, as well as in many online stores.
Comprehensive search will help you find what you need at the lowest price!
Buy profitably. This is our motto!
Features of our app:
- 50,000+ promo items, sale and discounts;
- 100,000+ items in online stores;
- Popular promotions in your country;
- Popular store sections;
- Easy to find deals, promotions and sales;
- Price range search feature;
- Favorite section for your desired promotions.
- Sort by: name, price or NEW deals;
- Map. Easy to find store locations
- News feed. Push notifications with store update details
- Save Your money easily!
And many other features.
Is your favorite store missing? Just write to us! And we will add it ASAP!
"Discounts" Save on your purchase, then earn! Sales, discounts and promotions!
- 50000促销项目,销售和折扣;
- 100,000在网上商店的物品;
- 在你的国家流行促销;
- 大众店段;
- 容易找到优惠,促销和销售;
- 价格范围搜索功能;
- 最喜欢的部分你想要的促销活动。
- 排序:名称,价格或新交易;
- 地图。很容易找到商店位置
- 新闻饲料。用推存储更新信息的通知
- 轻松保存你的钱!